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Teemad: LaulikudAjalugu, poliitikaKeeleõpikud

Let us explore the British Isles

„Let us explore the British Isles” on kõvakaaneline raamat. Raamatu seisukord: vähekasutatud.

Let us explore the British Isles kaanepilt – front cover

Hind: 14.90

Autor: Tiiu-Mai Loko.

„Let us explore the British Isles” – tutvustus

Let us explore the British Isles has been compiled for secondary school students and teachers of English. It can also be used in any other context where British background studies form part of an English language course.

The book includes 16 units covering a variety of Britain-related topics including the origin, history, everyday life, social problems and cultural diversity of the British people. It is richly illustrated with pictures, mostly from the author’s private collection, and is accompanied by an audio CD. Tasks for pair and group work and discussion develop communicative skills through the integration of language and culture, help students build up their understanding of Britain and compare it to their native country.

The book may also serve as a guide to anyone planning a visit to the British Isles.

Tiiu-Mai Loko finished Viljandi C. R. Jakobson Gymnasium in 1956.

Between 1956 and 1961 she studied at the University of Tartu, where her tutors were Oleg Mutt, Arthur Robert Hone, Johannes Silvet and others. Since 1962 she has been teaching English and related subjects, more recently Estonian and British background studies, in Miina Härma Gymnasium, Tartu. Her continuous interest in Great Britain has taken her there 17 times, including 10 study tours with her pupils between 1996 and 2005.
Tiiu-Mai Loko was awarded the title of teacher of the year in 2002.

Raamatu „Let us explore the British Isles” sisukord

Raamatu „Let us explore the British Isles” sisukord on veel sisestamata või see puudub sootuks.

Raamatuga „Let us explore the British Isles” seonduvad märksõnad: geograafia, ajalugu, kultuur, eluolu, vaatamisväärsused, inglise keel, gaeli keel, uelsi keel, iiri keel, keelenäited, tekstid, riigihümnid, Briti saared, Suurbritannia, Inglismaa, Šotimaa, Iirimaa, Wales, laulud, laserplaadid, õppematerjalid, CD-ROMid

Raamatu „Let us explore the British Isles” tehnilised andmed

„Let us explore the British Isles” on kõvakaaneline raamat, 314 lk; 17,8 × 24,2 cm; ↔ 1,6 cm; 656 g.

Raamat „Let us explore the British Isles” on Laos nr 2, saame postitada või kontorisse tuua tellimisjärgsel TÖÖPÄEVAL.

Raamatu „Let us explore the British Isles” ilmumisandmed: Koolibri, 2005

ISBN/EAN: 9789985016237 (9985-0-1623-8, 9985016238 (köites), 9985017080 (CD-ROM))

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