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Famous Sea Voyages: the Broadening Horizons of Europeans
Kuulsad mereretked: Eurooplaste maailmapildi avardumine

„Famous Sea Voyages: the Broadening Horizons of Europeans” on kõvakaaneline raamat. Raamatu seisukord: uus.

Famous Sea Voyages: the Broadening Horizons of Europeans Kuulsad mereretked: Eurooplaste maailmapildi avardumine kaanepilt – front cover

Hind: 42.24

Autor: Feliks Gornischeff.

Toimetanud Hille Saluäär. Kujundanud Angelika Schneider.

„Famous Sea Voyages: the Broadening Horizons of Europeans” – tutvustus

The heyday of Baltic German explorers’ expeditions was around 200 years ago. Coincidentally, 2024 marks the 200th anniversary of the publication of the first volume of Adam Johann von Krusenstern’s Atlas of the Pacific Ocean. For decades after its release, this atlas, which also included the results of the expeditions of Baltic German seafarers, was one of the most reliable and detailed naval atlases, later used by many famous seafarers and cartographers.

The book titled “Famous Sea Voyages: the Broadening Horizons of Europeans” is a companion catalogue to the exhibition of the same name opened at the Seaplane Harbour, which, through a variety of objects, takes a look at both the discovery of the Pacific Ocean and the history of exploration in general.

Raamatu „Famous Sea Voyages: the Broadening Horizons of Europeans” sisukord

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Raamatuga „Famous Sea Voyages: the Broadening Horizons of Europeans” seonduvad märksõnad: ajalugu, kaardid, kultuur, teadus

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„Famous Sea Voyages: the Broadening Horizons of Europeans” on kõvakaaneline raamat, 288 lk.

Raamat „Famous Sea Voyages: the Broadening Horizons of Europeans” on Laos nr 3, saame postitada või kontorisse tuua tellimisjärgsel TÖÖPÄEVAL.

Raamatu „Famous Sea Voyages: the Broadening Horizons of Europeans” ilmumisandmed: Eesti Meremuuseum, 2024

ISBN/EAN: 9789916975077

Ostan „Famous Sea Voyages: the Broadening Horizons of Europeans” hinnaga 42.24

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