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Estonian textbook: grammar, exercises, conversation

„Estonian textbook: grammar, exercises, conversation” on pehmekaaneline raamat. Raamatu seisukord: sisult uus, kaante nurgad kergelt painutatud.

Estonian textbook: grammar, exercises, conversation kaanepilt – front cover

Hind: 79.79

Autor: Juhan Tuldava.

Eesti keelest tõlkinud Ain Haas.

Toimetanud Ain Haas.

„Estonian textbook: grammar, exercises, conversation” – tutvustus

This textbook is intended foremost for Americans and other speakers of English with an interest in the Estonian language. Its forty lessons are each divided into six sections: grammar, readngs, vocabulary, exercises, expressions, and answers to the exercises. For the most part, the textbook may be used for independent study.

The book contains 40 lessons, each of which has six sections: grammar, text (reading selektion), vocabulary, exercises (designed to reinforce learning of both grammar and vocabulary), expressions (chosen with the grammatical points of the chapter in mind, and often grouped by theme), and answers to exercises.

The textbook can be used for independent study, but for optimum learning some help from an Estonian-speaking person is recommended, especially at the beginning.

Raamatu „Estonian textbook: grammar, exercises, conversation” sisukord

Raamatu „Estonian textbook: grammar, exercises, conversation” sisukord on veel sisestamata või see puudub sootuks.

Raamatuga „Estonian textbook: grammar, exercises, conversation” seonduvad märksõnad: eesti keel, võõrkeel, grammatika, õpikud, õppematerjalid iseõppijaile

Raamatu „Estonian textbook: grammar, exercises, conversation” tehnilised andmed

„Estonian textbook: grammar, exercises, conversation” on pehmekaaneline raamat, 379 lk; 15,3 × 22,9 cm; ↔ 2,0 cm; 529 g.

Raamat „Estonian textbook: grammar, exercises, conversation” on Laos nr 1, saame postitada või kontorisse tuua samal või esimesel TÖÖPÄEVAL.

Raamatu „Estonian textbook: grammar, exercises, conversation” ilmumisandmed: Indiana University, 1994

ISBN/EAN: 9780933070547 (978-0-933070-54-7)

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