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Teemad: Välis-EestiPerioodika

Estonian Magazine Kauge Kodu 14/18, 1947

„Estonian Magazine Kauge Kodu 14/18, 1947” on ajakiri. Ajakirja seisukord: kaantel mitmed murdejooned, seljal on neljas kohas rebendid, sisu puhas ja loetav.

Estonian Magazine Kauge Kodu 14/18, 1947 kaanepilt – front cover

Hind: 27.97

Peatoimetaja: Harald Pello.

Toimetanud Ado Perandi, Aino Kosesson, Arno Raag, Endel Köks, Harald Parrest.

„Estonian Magazine Kauge Kodu 14/18, 1947” – tutvustus

Before World War II a well-known American writer Mrs. Washbourne made a visit in Europe to find a happy country. She was at first in Italy, France and Germany and was bitterly disappointed in all three. Then she went to Russia, where she was sure she would find her ideal. But she did not. Her impressions in Russia were so depressive that she wished to shake the dust of Europe off her feet and to get home to “God’s country” immediately. She found that the quickest way home was by way of a place called Tallinn which she had never heard of, but where she could get a plane to Berlin and then home. She landed at Tallinn and in the few days she had to spare she was so much struck with apparent happiness and prosperity of the people that she determined to come back and spend a few months in Estonia. She did so and had her earlier impressions confirmed. When Mrs. Washbourne left America on her first visit, she laid down seven conditions which had to be fulfilled to realise her idea of a happy country and she expected to find them in the countries she had visited. These conditions were, (1) Plenty of food; (2) Shelter, including houses and clothing; (3) Occupation at sufficiently high wages to buy all necessary things; (4) Education; (5) Good health; (6) Love and family; (7) Freedom of expression. She found little enough of any of them till she arrived in Estonia.
In Estonia alone she found her ideal of a happy country (See her book “A Search for a Happy Country,” National Home Library Foundation, Washington, D.C. 1940.)
If Mrs. Washbourne would visit Estonia today, she would find that this former happy country has become the most unhappy one. The bolshevic occupation has destroyed all these suppositions which secured the happiness of the Estonian people before this occupation.

Ajakirjaga „Estonian Magazine Kauge Kodu 14/18, 1947” seonduvad märksõnad: väliseesti

Ajakirja „Estonian Magazine Kauge Kodu 14/18, 1947” tehnilised andmed

„Estonian Magazine Kauge Kodu 14/18, 1947” on ajakiri, 96 lk; 21,3 × 30,4 cm; ↔ 0,8 cm; 327 g.

Ajakiri „Estonian Magazine Kauge Kodu 14/18, 1947” on Laos nr 1, saame postitada või kontorisse tuua samal või esimesel TÖÖPÄEVAL.

Ajakirja „Estonian Magazine Kauge Kodu 14/18, 1947” ilmumisandmed: 1947
Ostke ajakiri „Estonian Magazine Kauge Kodu 14/18, 1947” hinnaga 27.97

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