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Cookie Magic
Biscuits and Cookies with Big Attitude

„Cookie Magic” on ümbrispaberiga kõvakaaneline raamat. Raamatu seisukord: vähekasutatud.

Cookie Magic Biscuits and Cookies with Big Attitude kaanepilt – front cover

Hind: 19.90

Autor: Kate Shirazi.

„Cookie Magic” – tutvustus

Kate Shirazi’s endless reinvention of baking classics doesn’t stop at cakes, so she’s followed her successful title Cupcake Magic with a new volume devoted entirely to delicious biscuits and cookies. All her recipes are made with eggs from her own free-range flock of (battery rescue) hens and a donation from the sale of each book will be made to a rescue charity. A perennial favourite, biscuits and cookies are quick to make and impossible to resist. Here are recipes for all the biscuit tin must-haves and some creative reinventions of old classics. Packed with baking tips, captivating new recipes, modern photography and delightful illustrations, this book provides ideas for sweet and savoury, children’s and adult’s, seasonal and special occasion biscuits – and even a section for those with special dietary needs, so nobody misses out on these delicious treats. A section devoted to ingredients and equipment makes sure you’ve always got the right kit to hand. Filled with Kate’s enthusiasm, humour and expert baking knowledge, fans of Cupcake Magic will love this must-have follow-up.

Raamatu „Cookie Magic” sisukord

Raamatu „Cookie Magic” sisukord on veel sisestamata või see puudub sootuks.

Raamatu „Cookie Magic” tehnilised andmed

„Cookie Magic” on ümbrispaberiga kõvakaaneline raamat, 112 lk; 18,6 × 18,5 cm; ↔ 1,4 cm; 414 g.

Cookie Magic „Cookie Magic” on Laos nr 2, saame postitada või kontorisse tuua tellimisjärgsel TÖÖPÄEVAL.

Raamatu „Cookie Magic” ilmumisandmed: Pavilion Books, 2009

ISBN/EAN: 9781862058477 (978-1-86205-847-7, 1862058474)

Ostke raamat „Cookie Magic” hinnaga 19.90

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